The Association welcomes the investment of an additional $600 million

The Association welcomes the release of the Terms of Reference for the Strategic Review of Australian Apprenticeships and Incentives. The terms foreshadow a comprehensive deep dive into incentive system efficiency and effectiveness as well as considering cost of living pressures in the current economic context.
The review complements the recently concluded review of non-financial supports for Australian Apprenticeships which led to the development of the new support services model to commence on July 1st this year.
The Association looks forward to providing input into the Strategic Review. Current AASN providers have unparalleled understanding of how the systems work in each jurisdiction and how they can be improved. The Association members have been delivering apprenticeship support services for many years some since the inception of the national support arrangements in 1998.
Over that time completion levels have gradually declined as:
• The minimum school leaving age has been raised,
• The Federal Minimum Wage has been introduced,
• Apprentices and trainees are commencing their apprenticeship at an older age, increasing cost of living pressures for apprentices that live outside the family home,
• The system expanded during the pandemic – with in-training numbers almost doubling, but also record levels of suspension during periods of lockdown,
• The recent tight labour market has seen record levels of job switching as better paid employment options become more widespread.
These among many other issues will be canvassed in the Association’s response to the review.
The Press Release can be viewed here:Press Release